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Why 2019 is the year of goal, smashing!

Writer's picture: Team GlamTeam Glam

Happy 2019

New year is a time to reflect on last year and sadly for most it's a time were we remember all the bad that's happened. We always forget the good and trust me good happens most days we just don't celebrate it enough.

This is why I set goals and not resolutions, resolutions are normally things like stop drinking, get fit and lets be honest these are normally broken by end of January if not sooner! Why are they broken? Because they are not specific enough with no actual end target or goal.

Last December I decided to take some time and write down some goals that I personally wanted to achieve in 2018. I put them in an envelope and have carried it around with me in my diary all year so every time I see it, it reminds me a little .

I opened this envelope in December 2018 and I was pleasantly surprised I had managed to smash numerous and still working towards a couple.

For 2019 I have really thought about where I'd like to be personally, mentally and in business by this time next year and have done the same. I am also going to each week write down my wins however small they may be so that when times get hard throughout the year (which they always do) I can go through my diary and remember these small, maybe insignificant to others, wins and celebrate them.

Why don't you try the same, speaking to clients all year the one thing that really sticks out for me is time, I never have enough time, there is always so much to do. Why not make one of your goals to make time for you, whether it's getting a blowdry or your nails done (we can help with that:) or even just having half an hour to soak in the bath with no distractions, you will feel better because being run ragged and always busy never works, you just burn yourself out.

Why not start now book yourself a treat with us, you deserve it

I and all of Team Glam wish you a very happy 2019 and we look forward to seeing you soon.

Zoe & Team Glam



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