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Holiday prep is key!

Writer's picture: Team GlamTeam Glam

Updated: Jun 13, 2018

YES after weeks of searching you have FINALLY booked your holiday :D

Then the fear sets in.. OMG we only have a matter of weeks until we go!

EEK, how many salads can I fit in.. ooh I hope I still fit in my holiday wardrobe!!

More importantly it should be am I holiday ready.. GlamouriZe can help

Holiday prep is key to having a good holiday so make sure you get your pre and post appointments booked at GlamouriZe and do it early so you don’t miss out!

Before you go..

Hair – None of us likes roots so get those bad boys banished as they are not invited on the plane (or car depending where you’re going)! Team Glam also advise making sure your hair is well prep’d as hair can be tricky to handle on holiday. Add a Kerasilk Repower treatment to your colour service before you go to add ease to you blowdrys as the volume this gives is insane!! Or add a Kerasilk Colour treatment to help prevent colour fade especially if you’re a red head or even a brunette that struggles with colour fade! Both treatments are £20 and last up to 10 washes, we recommend using the correct Kerasilk retail products to enhance the treatments. Kerasilk products can be brought in salon and come highly recommended.

Sunbeds - Make sure you get those great British milk bottles sunshine ready as no one likes being the “oh look first day milk bottles have arrived” also having a pre tan will help prevent burning (although you will still need sun cream!!) We have a full range of sachets and bottle lotions at GlamouriZe, increasing your tan by 40% be sure to ask at your appointment.

Shellac nails- It’s best to get these booked in just before you go and don’t forget your toes need to be flip flop ready aswell!! This way you will make the most of the 2 weeks (even though most of our clients can get longer). Even better you could book a few sets in before you go to really prep your nails ready for holiday. With an ever growing range of colours, glitters, foils and chromes be sure to have an idea before you arrive as we all know picking a nail colour is up there with some of the hardest decisions you have to make :P.

Already fearing the holiday blues when you return to “sunny” England, who are we kidding it will most likely be raining :(.

Your post holiday appointments are just as important so be sure to get these booked in and we promise these will help with holiday blues ;)

Hair- After all the sun and even more sea water your hair will be in need of some serious tlc.. we recommend a Kerasilk Reconstruct treatment this will help repair any sun damage and adds back in much needed moisture, this treatment lasts up to 10 washes as always we recommend using the correct Kerasilk aftercare products which are all available in salon, plus book in a nice blowdry afterwards to really make you feel Glam!

Shellac Nails- After all the fun in the sun your probably bored of the colour so with well over 100 colour combinations treat yourself and keep your nails looking amazing. Shellac should be removed correctly (no picking!!) so not to cause damage to the nails or cuticles and to promote healthy strong nails.

Sunbeds- Now these are the ultimate get over holiday blues as it feels like your back on holiday for 12 minutes. It will also help to prolong your tan and keep your Vitamin D levels up and we all feel better a bit bronzed.

Glams top 3 packing tips:

• Pack an extension lead and don’t forget the correct countries adapter! Hands up who’s been to hotels and the plugs are few and far between and also furthest away from the mirror!! Problem sorted :)

• Plan your outfits, over packing is something everyone is guilt of! Plan out some key outfits, accessories and shoes.

• Depending on how long your holiday is, grab some reusable empty bottles and fill with products you will need. Taking full new bottles 1 weighs a lot and 2 you probably won’t need the whole bottle.

And of course if your suitcase is full just help fill up whoever your travelling with :P

Thank you for reading, please leave us any feedback on this blog and any ideas for future blogs.

Time to get your appointments booked

As we always say if you cant find an appropriate appointment please contact us direct as we try our very best to never turn clients away!!

Team Glam



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Opening hours -
Tuesday 10-8
Wednesday 10-8 

Every 3rd Saturday 9-4
(from 18th Jan 25)

Hours are reduced due to having a baby Aug 24

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