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Glam Lockdown - you've got this

Writer's picture: Team GlamTeam Glam

Remember a week ago when everyone went crazy and brought enough food to feed a village?

Well lockdown is now upon us and Team Glam are here every step of the way!

For now we have had to PAUSE but we‘re still here for anyone who fancies a chat 😊

During this time we will be working hard behind the scenes ready for when we are back to glam you all up again.

We will also be continuing with our usual blogs, keeping them short and sweet, so hopefully we can cheer you up slightly along the here it is!

Were you one of the many hundreds storming the supermarkets?

Have you got enough pasta and toilet roll?

Now with all this time off and extra food we’ll all become master chefs with trying new recipes. Get those cookbooks out, share recipes and tips through social media and get teaching the kids. Make the most of this time.

Unfortunately, there are many who aren‘t so lucky and are in desperate need of basic essentials. During these difficult times, we should be more kind and look out for each other. Check in with family and friends, remember your neighbours and if possible donate any unwanted food.

Remember to stay positive, stay safe and be kind!

See you soon

Lots of love 💜


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Call us - 01908 266152
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Address - Old Stratford Local Centre,
Falcon Drive, Milton Keynes, MK19 6FG

Opening hours -
Tuesday 10-8
Wednesday 10-8 

Every 3rd Saturday 9-4
(from 18th Jan 25)

Hours are reduced due to having a baby Aug 24

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